A taste of Sarek National Park

- 期間: 8 日 (約)
- 所在地: Gällivare
- 製品コード: TasteSarek8d
Sarek National Park is one of Scandinavian’s most mythical mountain areas. An area without either overnight cabins or marked trails. True wilderness where you are completely at mercy of yourself.
Many people dream about dogsledding in Sarek but may not feel ready for a tougher expedition tour.
That’s why we made this tour with both winter camping inside the National Park and more comfortable overnights in cabins just outside Sarek’s boundaries.
A perfect tour for you who wants to get a taste of what Sarek can offer combined with the Kings Trail’s comfort.
Day 1 Arrival to Saltoluokta Mountain Station
The bus/transfer stops in Kebnats. This is as far as you can get with car. From here we get a ride in sleds behind a snowmobile over the ice of the Lule River. Check-in at the Mountain Station. Here you have the possibility to take a hot sauna or shorter snowshoe walks along the trails. We say hello to the huskies and eat a nice dinner in the cosy restaurant.
Day 2 The first day of mushing
The morning starts by the fireplace in the restaurant with a delicious breakfast buffet with home baked bread directly from the oven. After breakfast we pack everything we need for the week in our sleds and you get instructions in how to drive and handle your team of huskies. Together we harness the dogs and put them in front of the sleds and get
the teams are ready for take off.
This first day we head for Rissajaure where we are going to set a tent camp for our first night. The stage for the day are relatively short but it’s a lot of new things to learn, how to take care of the dogs, how toset up a tent etc. Everything takes time in the beginning before all routines fall into place. We fetch water in a stream and if needed we
dig snow walls for the tent. The area is nice for a short snowshoe walk if you like.
Day 3 Sarek National Park
Today we sledging further on into Sarek National Park. We cross the ravine, travel over wide open mountain expanses and if the weather is good we can enjoy a panorama over the Ähpar massive and Sarek massive, two of Swedens most coveted high mountains. This is an area with none or very few tracks and is very weather exposed so we are often entirely at mercy of ourselves. We will adapt our journey to the prevailing circumstances. Suddenly we can get an opportunity to be able to extend the ride or the weather will force us down on our knees and we must humbly bow. Another night in our tents.
Day 4 The Sitojaure cabin
From the mountains in west we steer our dog teams east towards Rinim and Sitojaure. We will pass the entrance of Bastavagge and Rinim in the west part of the lake Sitojaure and drive to the Sitojaure cabin. Usually it’s easy to travel along the lake because of snowmobiles often drive there. The night we spend in the cabin where we can dry clothes,
feel the warmth from the stove, eating our dinner in a kitchen and sleep in soft beds.
Day 5 The entrance to Rapa valley
Today will be a long day. We will travel down along the Sito rivers (Sitoälven) glen until we come to the Rapa rivers (Rapaälven) glen. This is common trails and the trails are usually good in contrast to normal conditions in Sarek, so hopefully we can get a little speed under the sleds runners. The plan is to go all the way to the entrance of Rapa
valley (Rapadalen) and to set tent camp in the delta underneath the two characteristic mountains Nammatj and Skierfe. Skierfe’s vertical mountain wall of 700 m is a classical view in many books and papers referring to Swedish Lapland.
Day 6 Aktsenjunjes and expansive views
If the weather is good we can take a soft and relaxing morning. Possibility to take a short snowshoe walk in the forest below Skierfe and Nammatj.
Later on we harness the dogs and go east towards Aktse where a tough climb awaits us up on Aktsenjunjes. We have to work hard helping the dogs for a few kilometers but we will be rewarded with a spectacular view when we come up. In the east low mountains and woodlands billow out miles and miles towards the horizon. To the west the higher mountains of Sarek pile up to the sky. From the highest peak we will have a pleasant drive down towards Sitojaure and the cabins. We will spend another night in the warmth of the Sitojaure cabins sparkling woodstove.
Day 7 Autsvagge and Saltoluokta
We start out with our dogteams after a good night sleep. Heading north following the well marked Kings Trail with open expanses and usually easy driven trails. After a while we come down to the Big Lule river (Stora Luleälven) and Saltoluokta Mountain Station where our adventure begun. Before the three course dinner in the cosy restaurant we can enjoy a shower and hot sauna.
Day 8 Departure day
We eat breakfast together and say good bye to the dogs before leaving Saltoluokta.
This tour goes partly in Sarek National Park where we are completely at the mercy of the weather gods. We try to follow our planned routes but have to adapt to current conditions. Jokkmokkguiderna interacts with the reindeer herding Sami’s in the area and we try to minimize disturbance on the reindeers and the traditions that have existed here for generations.
Group size:
Minimum 2 persons maximum 4 persons.
Included in the price:
- Experience wilderness guide
- One dog team per person
- Warm jacket, pants, warm shoes, hat, gloves
- Sleeping bag and equipment for the tour
- Fullboard from breakfast day 1 until breakfast day 8 (Typical Lapland and Swedish food)
- Accommodation, 2 nights at Saltoluokta Mountain Station (shared group room), 5 nights in wilderness cabins and tents
Not included in the price:
- Travel as well as transfer to and from Saltoluokta Mountain Lodge
- Travel insurance
- Alcoholic beverages
For Who?
Minimum age is 18 years old.
NOTE! A certain level of fitness is required.
Read: »What it takes to join this adventure
No previous dog sledding experience is required, but you must like animals and feel empathy for them.
Tour conditions:
In wilderness cabin we sleep on bunk beds in mixed room with both gentlemen’s and women’s. The wilderness cabins are heated with wood/gas and have no electricity or running water. Dry toilet is available at the camps but at tent camps we dig hole in the snow.
We all meet for dinner in the restaurant at Saltoluokta Mountain Station at 17:30 on the arrival day.How to get here:
Follow the link for more info: http://www.jokkmokkguiderna.com/en/travel-lapland-saltoluoktaBefore you book, make sure you read all information about this tour, such as tour conditions and what is required of you as a participant.
Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Note! We will manually review the booking to make sure that the minimum number of participants is reached to conduct the tour. We will confirm availability within the shortest possible time after we receive your order.
Until your booking is confirmed no payment or charges will be applied, and credit card details are held for security purposes only.